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Sunday, March 7, 2010

5 ways to relax without eating

I often used eating as a way to deal with my stress levels. Here are 5 simple alternatives to eating unhealthy food I use now.

1. Drink a glass of water and go for a walk around the block
2. Get a hug from my 6 year old and play with him - I do that with my wife too :-)
3. Listen to music - Indian classical is my favorite
4. Put a timer for 5 mins and concentrate on my breathing
5. Last way - I eat a fruit + 1 glass of soy milk if I am really hungry

Try one of these techniques out the next time you are stressed and let me know how it worked for you.


  1. Wonderful I am going to try it immediately! Way to go Man!

  2. I find that eating a pizza helps me to not eat the bag of Doritos sitting next to it :-)

    Actually, I've used the "glass of water" trick myself, and having something in your belly will tend to decrease the urge to eat for awhile. With a bit of luck, you can then move on to something else that will occupy your mind and put the desire to eat on hold.
