2. Spinach - Did you know spinach came to us from
3. Salmon – Do you feel sluggish in the afternoons after a large beef sandwich and soda? Try a grilled salmon dish with salad and skip dessert. As you may be aware salmon is a good source of Omega-3 – an essential fatty acid and a delicious source of protein.
4. Beans - OK - let us get done with the "gas" jokes. Food containing beans do tend to make us gassy at times. Often, the condition improves as your body adjusts to the new diet. Two easy ways to get rid of the gas in beans - wash the beans after you cook them or you can add a drop of Beano - a food ingredient that contains a natural food enzyme that helps breakdown the fiber and prevent gas. Beano is available in most grocery stories and pharmacies - check out the link below.
Beans are a great source of fiber, vegetable protein and micro-nutrients. Try a variety of beans - kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lima beans and soy beans. Try them from cans (easy to use - rinse and add to your salad) or buy dry beans, soak them overnight and cook them in a slow cooker. Fresh green beans are perfect when you sauté them with onions, garlic, ginger and a touch of paprika/chili powder. Check out Indian recipes if you like them spicy.
5. Nuts - Cashew nuts, almonds, peanuts, walnuts and pecans make a great snack by themselves. You can add them to your salads or top your entree. Nuts are a great source of protein, fiber, vitamin E and essential fatty acids.
Hydration – drink plenty of water. Green tea is a good choice – you know that soda (even diet cola) is not a good choice! Coffee is okay in moderation (1-2 cups daily).
For more information:
Many so-called health experts tend to bash government sources on health nutrition. I often heard people complain that FDA recommendations cater to the Beef, Pork or Agriculture lobbies. However, the NIH, CDC and other government agencies provide scientific and authentic recommendations (often better than literature passed out by food supplement industry!). Check out this website below and download free a great report from the CDC website - see link below:
30 ways in 30 days to Stretch Your Fruit & Vegetable Budget

Check out the website http://www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov/index.html
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